Log in to The Off University Moodle
Is this your first time here?
Off University is an initiative for academic freedom and against censorship, surveillance and repression. That's why we want to make our online learning platform a safe space where everyone can remain anonymous. We do not store your data, nor do we pass it on to third parties. As a user, there are a few things you can do to contribute to your own digital safety and that of others.
Please read our suggestions carefully before you start the registration process:
1. When you register, you can use a nickname. Nicknames with offensive, racist or sexist undertones will not be accepted.
2. Communication by e-mail is not private. If you do not want others to know that you are taking a course at Off University, please enter a false address that resembles the format of an email, such as name@example.org. Please note down your username and password in a safe place. We will need some time to activate your account. This can take up to 24 hours on weekdays and longer on weekends.
3. Please bear in mind that communication outside the platform (via email, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, etc.) may put other participants at risk.
4. You can decide for yourself when to switch your camera on and off.
5. If you need support with the registration, please contact us via Signal at +49 176 23362247